I Like Girls
In this animated short from Diane Obomsawin, four women reveal the nitty-gritty about their first loves, sharing funny and intimate tales of one-sided infatuation, mutual attraction, erotic moments, and fumbling attempts at sexual expression. For them, discovering that they're attracted to other women comes hand-in-hand with a deeper understanding of their personal identity and a joyful new self-awareness.
Prix et distinctions
Best Short Fiction FilmMostra La Ploma, Valencia2018
Lodestar AwardInternational Short Film Festival, Dawson City2018
OFF-NEW NARRATIVES award for the BEST SHORT FILMZinegoak, Festival de Cine y Artes Escénicas gaylesbotrans de Bilbao, Bilbao2018
Best LGBT ShortNew York City Short Film Festival, New York2017
Prix du publicL'Alternativa / Festival International de cinéma indépendent, Barcelone2017
Prix du jury- volet professionnelCinémental, Winnipeg2017
Prix du jury EnfantsFestival International du film pour enfants (FIFEM), Montréal2017
Meilleur court métrage d'animation ex aequo avec Vaysha, l'aveugle de Theodore UshevRendez-vous du cinéma québécois, Montréal2017
Best Canadian ShortGIRAF International Festival of Independent Animation, Calgary2016
Prix Guy-L. Coté pour le meilleur film d’animation canadienSommets du cinéma d'animation, Montréal2016
Nelvana Grand Prize for Independent Short AnimationFestival international d'animation, Ottawa2016