If I Was God...
In this short animated film, a Grade 7 boy’s mind starts to wander while dissecting a frog in Biology class. What would you do if you suddenly found yourself charged with God-like powers? Would you use them for good? For bad? Perhaps a little of both? The possibilities seem endless. Oh to have the power to toy with life and death, to create monsters who can punish those who torment him daily, or better yet, to create that one perfect day with Lily, the love of his 12-year-old life!
Prix et distinctions
Meilleure émission ou série d'animationPrix Gémeaux, Montréal2017
Grand Prize for Short FilmAnima Mundi, Rio de Janeiro2016
Distinction spécialeFestival international d'animation Ciné court animé, Roanne2016
LaTV3D AwardCourant 3D, Angoulême2015
Professional prizeFestival du film de stop motion, Montréal2015