Kali the Little Vampire
This animated short tells the story of Kali, a young vampire who suffers from not being able to live in the light. Living in the shadows and inspiring fear, he lives envious of other children who don’t even dream that he exists. One day, while once again watching young boys play beside the train tracks, he breaks from his isolation and discovers that because of who—and what—he is, he can make a difference in others’ lives. Narrated by Oscar winner Christopher Plummer.
Prix et distinctions
Prix SophiaAcadémie Portugaise de Cinema, Lisbonne2013
Golden Gate Award for Best Animated ShortGolden Gate Awards Competition & International Film Festival, San Francisco2013
Special Jury RecognitionAspen Shortfest, Aspen2013
Prix pour la meilleure trame sonore originaleFestival international de cinéma d'animation / CINANIMA, Espinho2012
Mention spéciale du juryFestival international de cinéma d'animation / CINANIMA, Espinho2012
1er prix, court métrage d'animation (Jury adulte)Festival international du film pour enfants, Chicago2012
Special Prize of the Jury for Best AnimationANIMANIMA, Cacak2012
Hiroshima PrizeFestival international d'animation, Hiroshima2012
Prix de la compétition 2- remis par le jury professionnelPlein la bobine - Festival de Cinéma Jeunes Publics, Paris2012
Mention honorique pour le prix Pixel Bunker remis au meilleur court métrage portugaisIndieLisboa - International Independent Film Festival, Lisbonne2012
Prix RTP2 Onda CurtaIndieLisboa - International Independent Film Festival, Lisbonne2012