This animated short is an ode to Louise, a fiercely independent 96-year old inspired by animator Anita Lebeau's grandmother. Speaking in her own voice, Louise takes us through a day in her busy life near the town of Bruxelles, in rural Manitoba. Between coping with garden gophers and reaching cupboards that have grown taller, Louise's plans sometimes miscarry, her sense of humour is foolproof.
Prix et distinctions
Prix 2006 Special AchievementSilver Images Film & Video Awards, Anaheim2006
Prix BLIZZARD - AnimationThe BLIZZARDS/Manitoba Motion Picture Ind. Ass. Film & Video Awards, Winnipeg2006
Mention spécialeFestival Int’l de film d’animation / I Castelli Animati, Genzano2005
Prix du meilleur court métrage - assorti d'une bourse de $500CdnFestival international du film français, Waterton2005
Prix du Jury junior Canal J pour un court métrageJournées internationales du cinéma d'animation, Annecy2005
Prix de la ville d'Hiroshima - assorti d'une bourse de 1,000,000Yen (9,145$US)Festival international d'animation, Hiroshima2004