This animated film by Martine Chartrand (Black Soul) recounts the friendship between a young Félix Leclerc and Frank Randolph Macpherson, a Jamaican chemical engineer and university graduate who worked for a pulp and paper company. An inveterate jazz fan, Macpherson inspired Leclerc, who wrote a song about the log drives and entitled it “MacPherson” in honour of his friend. Paint-on-glass animation shot with a 35mm camera.
Prix et distinctions
Prix du court métrageVues sur mer, Gaspé2013
Meilleur court métrage d'animation- assorti d'une bourse de $500Festival international du film, Denver2012
Honourable Mention for Canadian Film Institute Award for Best Canadian AnimationFestival international d'animation, Ottawa2012
Premier prix (Court métrage)Festival des films du monde de Montréal (FFM), Montréal2012
Prix du meilleur court métrage canadien (Prix du public)Festival des films du monde de Montréal (FFM), Montréal2012