Window Horses
This feature-length animated film centres around the story of Rosie Ming, a young Canadian poet invited to perform at a Poetry Festival in Shiraz, Iran. Rosie lives in Vancouver with her over-protective Chinese grandparents, and has never been anywhere on her own. But once in Iran, she finds herself in the company of poets and Persians, all of whom tell her stories about her past, the Iranian father she had assumed abandoned her, and about the nature of poetry itself. This is a film about love, finding your own path, and learning how to forgive.
Prix et distinctions
Platinum Grand PrizeFuture Film Festival, Bologne2018
APSA Award for Best Animated Feature FilmAsia Pacific Screen Awards, Brisbane2017
Best Foreign Feature FilmMonmouth Film Festival, Holmdel2017
Special Award for the Best Animated Feature Film- with a cash prize of 45.000 PLNAnimator International Animation Festival, Poznan2017
Best Direction - AnimationLeo Awards, Vancouver2017
Best Musical Score - AnimationLeo Awards, Vancouver2017
AniMovie – Award for the Best Feature-Length Animated FilmFestival international du cinéma d'animation, Stuttgart2017
Best International Feature- assorti d'une bourse de $10, 000Julien Dubuque International Film Festival, Dubuque2017
Audience Award Winner- Animated Feature CompetitionFilm Festival, Nashville2017
Human Rights Award- Narrative Feature CompetitionRiverRun International Film Festival, Winston - Salem2017
Jury Honourable MentionMonstra, Lisbonne2017
ANIMAFICX Award for Best Animated FilmFestival international de cinéma, Gijon2016
Best Canadian Feature Film AwardReel Asian International Film Festival, Toronto2016
Jury Prize- Feature FilmInternational Animation Festival, Bucheon2016
Best BC Film AwardFestival International du film, Vancouver2016
Best Canadian FilmFestival International du film, Vancouver2016
Prix du publicAnimasyros- International Animation Festival and Forum, Syros2016