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1998 1 h 11 min
Dernière chance

A day-to-day record of the construction of the Confederation Bridge linking Prince Edward Island to the mainland, Abegweit reveals some of the innovations that made this mammoth project one of the most impressive engineering feats in Canadian history. The film also gives a voice to the people affected by the bridge--construction workers happy to have the work and proud to be part of the project, ferry employees sad about losing their jobs and their seagoing family, islanders whose lives will be forever changed by the fixed link, and fishermen worried about the impact it will have on the environment and …

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A day-to-day record of the construction of the Confederation Bridge linking Prince Edward Island to the mainland, Abegweit reveals some of the innovations that made this mammoth project one of the most impressive engineering feats in Canadian history.

The film also gives a voice to the people affected by the bridge--construction workers happy to have the work and proud to be part of the project, ferry employees sad about losing their jobs and their seagoing family, islanders whose lives will be forever changed by the fixed link, and fishermen worried about the impact it will have on the environment and their livelihood. It is a stunning meeting of technology, politics, high finance and intense emotions.

  • réalisateur
    Serge Morin
  • scénario
    Serge Morin
  • producteur
    Pierre Bernier
    Diane Poitras
  • caméra
    Marc Paulin
  • son
    Georges Hannan
  • montage
    Fernand Bélanger
  • montage sonore
    Fernand Bélanger
    Claude Langlois
  • ré-enregistrement
    Serge Boivin
    Jean Paul Vialard
  • narrateur
    Alex Madsen
  • musique
    Richard Gibson
  • participation
    Francine Blais
    Peter Briden
    Ralph Murray
    Guy Cormier
    Jim Feltham
    Kim Gallant
    Maurice Gallant
    Joe Ghiz
    Aldeene Giannelia
    Alexis Giannelia
    Paul Giannelia
    Pat Hepditch
    Betty Howatt
    Hubert Jacquin
    Ronnie-Gilles LeBlanc
    Maurice Levesque
    Helena McDonald
    Lyman Murray
    Peggy Murray
    Thomas Murray
    Gary O'Hanley
    Heather Parsons
    Kevin Pytyck
    George Read
    Fernand Robichaud
    Lorne Stevenson
    Peter Strubel
    Gilles Thériault
    Randy Vallis

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Âge 14 à 17 ans
Sujets scolaires
Nommez les deux parties qui s’opposent dans le différend relatif à la liaison fixe et indiquez leur point de vue respectif. Discutez en vous demandant si le plébiscite constituait la meilleure façon de connaître les sentiments des habitants de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Commentez les résultats très serrés du plébiscite. Discutez de la décision du cinéaste d’entrecouper les images des progrès de la construction du pont pour insérer les propos des opposants à cet ouvrage. Les deux camps sont-ils équitablement représentés dans le film?
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