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Abortion: Stories from North and South

1984 54 min
Dernière chance

Women have always sought ways to terminate unwanted pregnancies, despite powerful patriarchal structures and systems working against them. This film provides a historical overview of how church, state and the medical establishment have determined policies concerning abortion. From this cross-cultural survey--filmed in Ireland, Japan, Thailand, Peru, Colombia, and Canada--emerges one reality: only a small percentage of the world's women has access to safe, legal operations.

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Abortion: Stories from North and South


Women have always sought ways to terminate unwanted pregnancies, despite powerful patriarchal structures and systems working against them. This film provides a historical overview of how church, state and the medical establishment have determined policies concerning abortion. From this cross-cultural survey--filmed in Ireland, Japan, Thailand, Peru, Colombia, and Canada--emerges one reality: only a small percentage of the world's women has access to safe, legal operations.

  • réalisateur
    Gail Singer
  • scénario
    Gail Singer
  • producteur
    Signe Johansson
    Gail Singer
  • producteur exécutif
    Kathleen Shannon
  • caméra
    Susan Trow
  • son
    Diane Carrière
  • montage
    Toni Trow
  • montage sonore
    Jackie Newell
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
  • narrateur
    Dixie Seattle
  • musique
    Maribeth Solomon
    Micky Erbe

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