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Age Is No Barrier

1989 24 min
Dernière chance

This short documentary features a group of seniors called the "U of Agers" who meet twice a week at the University of Alberta to do gymnastics. The U of Agers are just "ordinary" people trying to do "extraordinary" things and confirm that if they can do gymnastics, then others in Canada have the potential to excel at whatever inspires them.

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Age Is No Barrier


This short documentary features a group of seniors called the "U of Agers" who meet twice a week at the University of Alberta to do gymnastics. The U of Agers are just "ordinary" people trying to do "extraordinary" things and confirm that if they can do gymnastics, then others in Canada have the potential to excel at whatever inspires them.

  • réalisateur
    Francis Damberger
  • producteur
    Dale Phillips
  • producteur exécutif
    Graydon McCrea
  • caméra
    Peter Wunstorf
  • son
    Rick Gustavsen
    Jeremy Sagar
    Michael McGee
    Kelly May
  • montage
    Michel Lalonde
  • ré-enregistrement
    David Cochrane
  • musique
    Michael Becker

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