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"Ah... the Money, the Money, the Money" - The Battle for Saltspring

"Saltspring Island... close to a city, but full of magical, almost untouched places. A small town with a Saturday market. And in the middle of the island... trees, lots of trees." When the roar of chainsaws shatters the quiet of this idyllic setting, director Mort Ransen and other residents awake to an unexpected intrusion. A logging operation is underway in a central pristine valley. Within hours, a group of islanders rallies to oppose the cutting--only to discover that a logging company has purchased one of the largest expanses of undeveloped wilderness in the Southern Gulf Islands. Concerned about its potentially …

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"Saltspring Island... close to a city, but full of magical, almost untouched places. A small town with a Saturday market. And in the middle of the island... trees, lots of trees." When the roar of chainsaws shatters the quiet of this idyllic setting, director Mort Ransen and other residents awake to an unexpected intrusion. A logging operation is underway in a central pristine valley. Within hours, a group of islanders rallies to oppose the cutting--only to discover that a logging company has purchased one of the largest expanses of undeveloped wilderness in the Southern Gulf Islands. Concerned about its potentially devastating impact on Saltspring's ecology, economy and natural beauty, the residents set out to stop the logging. The award-winning director of Margaret's Museum, Mort Ransen, turns his camera on his own community to document a lively and provocative debate. On one side--the developers, who defend their right to do what they want on private land. On the other--Saltspring residents, who blockade roads, chain themselves to logging trucks and lobby government to protect their island.

  • réalisateur
    Mort Ransen
  • producteur
    Gillian Darling Kovanic
  • monteur
    Jack Morbin
    Stuart De Jong
  • écriture
    Mort Ransen
  • narrateur
    Mort Ransen
  • cinématographie
    Martin Duckworth
    Rudolf Kovanic
    Peter Prince
    Doug Sjoquist
  • prise de son
    Eric Davies
    Lisa Kolisnyk
    Jonathan Ritchie
    Sherry Antonishan
    Paul Brosseau
  • None
    Jonathan Ledrew
    R. Neil Thompson
    Peter Prince
    David Shebib
  • gérant de production
    Sherry Antonishan
  • assistant monteur
    Mark Perry
  • assistant de production
    Stephen Melanson
  • montage son
    Jamie Mahaffey
    Daniel Séguin
  • mixage son
    Sharpe Sound Studios Inc.
  • en-ligne
    Rainmaker Digital Pictures
  • titrage
    Rainmaker Digital Pictures
  • composition
    Carlos Lopes
  • superviseur de production
    Kathryn Lynch
  • administrateur de programme
    Bruce Hagerman
  • producteur exécutif
    Graydon McCrea