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And So to Bed

1999 57 min
Dernière chance

This feature documentary is all about beds: their cultural, personal, psychological, and physical importance is examined by Peabody Award-winning director Jeff McKay. This curious film about a seemingly mundane subject takes us on an unusual odyssey into the world of the commonplace: throughout the film, we visit the beds of families, Nevada sex workers, truckers, a prisoner convicted of murder, artists, an undertaker, a coroner, and a homeless man who remembers his mother tucking him in as a child. We even visit the bed of acclaimed filmmaker Guy Maddin. From the threat of bed bugs to the transient nature of …

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And So to Bed


This feature documentary is all about beds: their cultural, personal, psychological, and physical importance is examined by Peabody Award-winning director Jeff McKay. This curious film about a seemingly mundane subject takes us on an unusual odyssey into the world of the commonplace: throughout the film, we visit the beds of families, Nevada sex workers, truckers, a prisoner convicted of murder, artists, an undertaker, a coroner, and a homeless man who remembers his mother tucking him in as a child. We even visit the bed of acclaimed filmmaker Guy Maddin. From the threat of bed bugs to the transient nature of RV and motel beds, this film takes a fresh look at the most familiar of topics.

  • réalisation
    Jeff McKay
  • monteur
    Jeff McKay
  • producteur
    Kent Martin
  • cinématographie
    John Walker
  • son
    Norman Dugas
    Ross Redfern
  • assistance à la caméra
    Linda Danchak
    David Niven
    Akira Nishihata
  • assistant monteur
    Patrick Lowe
  • gérant de production
    Graham Ashmore
    Nicole McKay
  • recherche
    Jeff McKay
    Graham Ashmore
  • consultant au récit
    Amanda McConnell
  • None
    Patricia Coughran
    Laurence Marden
  • recherche additionnelle
    David Theodore
    Andrew Kingsley
    Peter Bundy
  • composition
    Ian Hodges
  • musique additionnelle
    Oscar Peterson
    Johannes Brahms
    Harold Budd
    Maurice Ravel
  • animation
    Jason Doll
  • coordonnateur technique
    Scott Collins
    Claude Cardinal
  • montage son
    Saul Henteleff
  • ré-enregistrement
    John Schritt
  • commis de studio
    Sia Koukoulas
    Stephanie Coolen
    Vanessa Larsen
    Rolande Petit
  • administrateur de plateau
    Marie Tonto-Donati
    John William Lutz
  • participation
    Luke Smit
    Ben Smit
    Emily Dicks
    Susan Dicks
    Shelly McMillan
    Armand Leo
    Doug Finlay
    Lisa McKay
    Elizabeth McKay
    Terry Galloway
    Alexander Cockburn
    Barbara Yaley
    Shirley Schoonbaert
    John Schoonbaert
    Camille Andréa
    Laura Lee
    Gwen Allison
    Richard Hunter
    Joseph Umbrino
    Mala Sinha
    Bev Pike
    Melissa Steele
    Peter Markenstyn
    Mike Doyle
    Salah Hussein
    Chico Laframboise
    Joseph John Johnson
    Bob Gardiner
    Annie Schumila
    Guy Maddin
    George Toles
  • voix
    Laurel Thomson
    Steve Snyder
    James Bond Shaw
    Ryan Martens
    Kathy Block
    Terry Goertzen
    Pamela Sinha
    Melanie Manchulenko
    Peter Bundy
    Susan James
  • prise de son additionnelle
    Saul Henteleff
  • titres
    NFB Visual Effects Services
  • producteur exécutif
    Sally Bochner
    Don Haig
And So to Bed
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