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Arthur Erickson

1981 28 min
Dernière chance

A portrait of Arthur Erickson, a Vancouver-based architect internationally known for his unique style. Seated in his Vancouver home, Arthur Erickson talks easily about his art, the importance of interpreting the site and of achieving harmony between environment and structure, the inseparability of climate and site, and the cultural role of a building. Five of his projects are shown. He explains how the designs evolved and what he was trying to achieve. Shot on location in Canada, Japan and Kuwait, the film introduces the man, the architect, the humanist.

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Arthur Erickson


A portrait of Arthur Erickson, a Vancouver-based architect internationally known for his unique style. Seated in his Vancouver home, Arthur Erickson talks easily about his art, the importance of interpreting the site and of achieving harmony between environment and structure, the inseparability of climate and site, and the cultural role of a building. Five of his projects are shown. He explains how the designs evolved and what he was trying to achieve. Shot on location in Canada, Japan and Kuwait, the film introduces the man, the architect, the humanist.

  • réalisateur
    Jack Long
  • photographie
    Jack Long
  • producteur
    George Johnson
    Jennifer Torrance
  • producteur exécutif
    John Taylor
    George Johnson
  • son
    Richard Patton
    Ralph Parker
    Kalle Lasn
  • montage
    Doris Dyck
  • ré-enregistrement
    Barry P. Jones
  • animation
    Svend-Erik Eriksen
  • narrateur
    Stan Peters
Arthur Erickson
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