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Atlantic Crossroads

1945 10 min
Dernière chance

This short documentary focuses on Newfoundland's role in WWII. Due to its geographical position, Newfoundland became a central point of activity during the war, housing military air bases and becoming the link between the Allied forces and Europe. In stark contrast with the Depression in the 1930s, this film highlights Newfoundland's opportunities for economic growth during, and after, the war. Part of the Canada Carries On series.

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Atlantic Crossroads


This short documentary focuses on Newfoundland's role in WWII. Due to its geographical position, Newfoundland became a central point of activity during the war, housing military air bases and becoming the link between the Allied forces and Europe. In stark contrast with the Depression in the 1930s, this film highlights Newfoundland's opportunities for economic growth during, and after, the war. Part of the Canada Carries On series.

  • réalisateur
    Tom Daly
  • montage
    Tom Daly
  • producteur
    Grant McLean
    Tom Daly
  • photographie
    John Norwood

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Âge 12 à 17 ans
Sujets scolaires
Échanger en grand groupe autour de ces questions : Quelles options s’offraient à la population terre-neuvienne au lendemain de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale? Quels éléments de la production montrent que cette population est forte et prête à saisir l’occasion? La narration et le son sont-ils bien intégrés au montage de cartes, de plans d’archives et aux plans rapprochés et aériens? Aussi, inviter les élèves à comparer le film aux archives sur YouTube.
Atlantic Crossroads
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