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Atlantic Patrol

1940 10 min
Dernière chance

This short documentary about the Canadian seamen who manned Canada's eastern ports during WWII is the first film in the Canada Carries On series. The film depicts the work of the Royal Canadian marines who accompanied convoys of military supplies to the Allied Forces and those who remained on the eastern coast to defend against the Germans.

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Atlantic Patrol


This short documentary about the Canadian seamen who manned Canada's eastern ports during WWII is the first film in the Canada Carries On series. The film depicts the work of the Royal Canadian marines who accompanied convoys of military supplies to the Allied Forces and those who remained on the eastern coast to defend against the Germans.

  • réalisateur
    Stuart Legg
  • producteur
    Stuart Legg
  • scénario
    Stuart Legg
  • montage
    Stuart Legg
  • photographie
    Frank C. Follette
    Ernest Wilson
  • narrateur
    Lorne Greene
  • musique
    Lucio Agostini

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