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The Baymen

1965 27 min
Dernière chance

Baymen, no matter where they go, remain above all else Newfoundlanders. They were born to the sea, to a place in the life of their cliffside village, but many of the younger generation are now looking to the city for their future. The film, produced in 1965, follows a bayman's family to St. John's, showing what such a change means to father, daughter and grandfather.

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The Baymen


Baymen, no matter where they go, remain above all else Newfoundlanders. They were born to the sea, to a place in the life of their cliffside village, but many of the younger generation are now looking to the city for their future. The film, produced in 1965, follows a bayman's family to St. John's, showing what such a change means to father, daughter and grandfather.

  • réalisateur
    Rex Tasker
  • scénario
    Rex Tasker
  • producteur
    Roman Kroitor
    Peter Jones
  • caméra
    Hector Lemieux
  • son
    Barry Ferguson
  • montage
    Rex Tasker
  • montage sonore
    Victor Merrill
  • ré-enregistrement
    Ron Alexander
    Roger Lamoureux
  • musique
    Robert Fleming

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