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Bing Bang Boom

1969 24 min
Dernière chance

This short 1969 documentary follows acclaimed innovator and composer R. Murray Schafer as he visits a Grade 7 music classroom to teach students that all the sounds of life are a part of music. Schafer’s provocations help these curious learners discover music without instruments or painfully learned notes and scales. Schafer encourages the students to listen to every sound around them and then transform what they hear—voices, steps, breath—into music. The fun-filled result is a convincing illustration for educators: children learn best when it’s from the inside out.

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Bing Bang Boom


This short 1969 documentary follows acclaimed innovator and composer R. Murray Schafer as he visits a Grade 7 music classroom to teach students that all the sounds of life are a part of music. Schafer’s provocations help these curious learners discover music without instruments or painfully learned notes and scales. Schafer encourages the students to listen to every sound around them and then transform what they hear—voices, steps, breath—into music. The fun-filled result is a convincing illustration for educators: children learn best when it’s from the inside out.

  • réalisateur
    Joan Henson
  • montage
    Joan Henson
  • producteur
    Joseph Koenig
  • photographie
    Tony Ianzelo
  • son
    Claude Hazanavicius
    Jean-Guy Normandin
  • montage sonore
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
  • ré-enregistrement
    George Croll
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
Bing Bang Boom
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