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1968 10 min
Dernière chance

An amusing diagnosis of big-city growing pains, Boomsville is an ironic view of town planning, or rather, the lack of it, and what has happened to our cities as a result. Done in cartoon animation, the film traces the growth of the typical city, from a tiny settlement in the vast North American wilderness to the car-clogged metropolis that so many cities are today. Film without words.

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An amusing diagnosis of big-city growing pains, Boomsville is an ironic view of town planning, or rather, the lack of it, and what has happened to our cities as a result. Done in cartoon animation, the film traces the growth of the typical city, from a tiny settlement in the vast North American wilderness to the car-clogged metropolis that so many cities are today. Film without words.

  • réalisateur
    Yvon Mallette
  • scénario
    Yvon Mallette
  • animation
    Yvon Mallette
  • producteur
    Robert Verrall
  • caméra d'animation
    Raymond Dumas
    Kjeld Nielsen
  • son
    Alex Rayment
  • montage sonore
    Alex Rayment
  • ré-enregistrement
    Ron Alexander
    Roger Lamoureux
  • musique
    Pierre F. Brault

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