This funny short animation was written and created by Tali (At Home with Mrs. Hen) and is inspired by the filmmaker’s misadventures as a school bus driver in the Eastern Townships. Our protagonist dreams of becoming a bus driver in order to cruise down quiet country lanes and connect with nature, her young charges and their parents. But her idyllic view of her new job is sorely tested after she meets her surly boss, named Killer, and discovers that winding roads can prove treacherous in winter, especially with a faulty clutch. Through her cheeky humour and oblique look at the …
This funny short animation was written and created by Tali (At Home with Mrs. Hen) and is inspired by the filmmaker’s misadventures as a school bus driver in the Eastern Townships. Our protagonist dreams of becoming a bus driver in order to cruise down quiet country lanes and connect with nature, her young charges and their parents. But her idyllic view of her new job is sorely tested after she meets her surly boss, named Killer, and discovers that winding roads can prove treacherous in winter, especially with a faulty clutch. Through her cheeky humour and oblique look at the reality of people living in the Quebec countryside, Tali delivers a film that is unique, witty and touching.
Convient parfaitement aux cours et aux projets portant sur les textes narratifs, sur les mémoires et sur la résolution des conflits.
Décrivez les différents changements qui surviennent chez les protagonistes au cours du film. Comment la cinéaste représente-t-elle les changements de saisons? La conductrice de l’autobus aurait-elle mieux fait de dire la vérité à propos du chien de Killer? Rédigez un texte au sujet d’une situation conflictuelle à laquelle vous avez réussi à trouver une solution. Reformulez le texte de manière à en faire une histoire. En équipe, jouez les diverses relations présentées dans le film et improvisez d’autres fins.