This animated short for children tells the story of Christopher, a little boy who didn't want to be called Christopher anymore. Such a common name! When Aunty Gail from Trinidad tells him a story about a Tiger, Christopher changes his name to Tiger. But then he finds a better name. When he has trouble cashing a birthday cheque, he realizes maybe he should stick with his original name... or maybe not? Part of the Talespinners collection, which uses vibrant animation to bring popular children’s stories from a wide range of cultural communities to the screen.
This animated short for children tells the story of Christopher, a little boy who didn't want to be called Christopher anymore. Such a common name! When Aunty Gail from Trinidad tells him a story about a Tiger, Christopher changes his name to Tiger. But then he finds a better name. When he has trouble cashing a birthday cheque, he realizes maybe he should stick with his original name... or maybe not?
Part of the Talespinners collection, which uses vibrant animation to bring popular children’s stories from a wide range of cultural communities to the screen.
Dans ce court métrage d’animation, Christopher trouve que son nom est trop commun. Il décide de le changer encore et encore jusqu’à ce que cela lui pose problème à la banque. Tout le monde doute de son nom à un moment donné, et la présentation de ce film sera suivie d’une discussion animée et d’activités sur ce que les élèves pensent de leur nom. Sais-tu pourquoi on t’a donné ton nom? Si tu pouvais changer de nom, lequel choisirais-tu? Pourquoi? Crois-tu que le nom d’une personne devrait être choisi par ses parents? Pourquoi (ou pourquoi pas)?