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Oscar® Nominee, Best Documentary (Short Subject), 1992

The Colours of My Father: A Portrait of Sam Borenstein

1991 29 min
Dernière chance

With great singleness of purpose, Sam Borenstein painted for over 40 years. Despite his obvious talent it was only near the end of his life that his work began to be known. Twenty years after the artist's death, animation filmmaker Joyce Borenstein brings her father's work to a wider audience. Using various animation techniques in this documentary, she skillfully and harmoniously integrates archival material, filmed sequences, the painting themselves, and reminiscences of friends and family, to bring Sam Borenstein's work to life.

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The Colours of My Father: A Portrait of Sam Borenstein


With great singleness of purpose, Sam Borenstein painted for over 40 years. Despite his obvious talent it was only near the end of his life that his work began to be known. Twenty years after the artist's death, animation filmmaker Joyce Borenstein brings her father's work to a wider audience. Using various animation techniques in this documentary, she skillfully and harmoniously integrates archival material, filmed sequences, the painting themselves, and reminiscences of friends and family, to bring Sam Borenstein's work to life.

  • réalisateur
    Joyce Borenstein
  • scénario
    Joyce Borenstein
  • animation
    Joyce Borenstein
  • producteur
    Richard Elson
    Sally Bochner
  • producteur exécutif
    Colin Neale
  • producteur associé
    Christine York
  • photographie
    David De Volpi
  • caméra d'animation
    Pierre Landry
  • son
    Diane Carrière
    Michel Chalut
    Donald Cohen
    Adrian Croll
    Ron Hallis
    Ed Harker
    Claude Hazanavicius
    Hans Oomes
  • montage
    Rita Roy
  • montage sonore
    Paul Demers
  • ré-enregistrement
    Hans Peter Strobl
    Adrian Croll
  • voix
    Paul Soles
    Griffith Brewer
  • musique
    Normand Roger

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The Colours of My Father: A Portrait of Sam Borenstein
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