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Dancer of the Board

2016 5 min
Dernière chance

For more than half a century, John D McKellar has been an active volunteer, generous donor, and pro bono legal advisor for dozens of performing artists and arts organizations. Now in his eighties, he has facilitated and witnessed first-hand the enrichment of society by the arts. This short documentary profiles Mr. McKellar as he takes on a more involved creative role, as the producer of a large-scale, original musical theatre production. We come to know a man who is not only tirelessly in service to the arts, but who can also do a nimble soft-shoe!

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Dancer of the Board


For more than half a century, John D McKellar has been an active volunteer, generous donor, and pro bono legal advisor for dozens of performing artists and arts organizations. Now in his eighties, he has facilitated and witnessed first-hand the enrichment of society by the arts. This short documentary profiles Mr. McKellar as he takes on a more involved creative role, as the producer of a large-scale, original musical theatre production. We come to know a man who is not only tirelessly in service to the arts, but who can also do a nimble soft-shoe!

  • lauréat
    John D. McKellar
  • écriture
    Mary Lewis
  • réalisateur
    Mary Lewis
  • directeur de la photographie
    Iris Ng
  • preneur de son
    Mary Wong
  • montage
    David Planche
  • None
    Caroline Nicklas-Gordon
    Marcus Paletta
    Stefan Kuchar
    Paul Seaton
  • gérant de production
    Christina Carvalho
  • 1er assistant caméraman
    Eva Percewicz
  • machiniste de plateau
    Paul Seaton
  • responsable, fichiers numériques
    Set Lemon Shuter
  • technicien en imagerie numérique
    Set Lemon Shuter
  • assistant de production
    Sang Thanh-Nguyen
  • équipe technique
    Pierre Dupont
    Isabelle Painchaud
    Patrick Trahan
  • titres
    Cynthia Ouellet
  • montage en ligne
    Denis Pilon
  • montage sonore
    Benoît Dame
  • enregistrement du bruitage
    Stéphane Cadotte
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean Paul Vialard
  • producteur superviseur
    Stéphanie L'Écuyer
  • administrateur
    Isabelle Limoges
  • coordonnateur technique - équipement de tournage
    Steve Hallé
  • coordonnateur technique
    Daniel Lord
  • producteur
    René Chénier
  • producteur exécutif
    René Chénier

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