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Divine Fate

1993 10 min
Dernière chance

This colourful short animation tells the tale of a mythical universe whose existence is threatened by the arrival of unthinking and uncaring visitors. From Oscar®-nominated animator Ishu Patel comes a thought-provoking metaphor for our times: a cautionary tale with a pro-environmental theme.

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Divine Fate


This colourful short animation tells the tale of a mythical universe whose existence is threatened by the arrival of unthinking and uncaring visitors. From Oscar®-nominated animator Ishu Patel comes a thought-provoking metaphor for our times: a cautionary tale with a pro-environmental theme.

  • réalisateur
    Ishu Patel
  • producteur
    William Pettigrew
  • producteur exécutif
    Barrie McLean
  • scénario
    Marilyn Bowering
  • caméra d'animation
    Pierre Landry
  • voix
    Linda Morrison
    Jason Lang
    Aron Tager
    Susan Glover
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
    Serge Boivin
  • musique
    Normand Roger