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Encounter on Urban Environment

1971 1 h 48 min
Dernière chance

This feature documentary takes a look at how the Halifax/Dartmouth community in Nova Scotia was stimulated by a week-long session held by a panel of specialists from different fields who met with members of this urban community to consider the future of the area and the responsibility of the citizens and government in planning the future.

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Encounter on Urban Environment


This feature documentary takes a look at how the Halifax/Dartmouth community in Nova Scotia was stimulated by a week-long session held by a panel of specialists from different fields who met with members of this urban community to consider the future of the area and the responsibility of the citizens and government in planning the future.

  • réalisateur
    Roger Hart
  • montage
    Roger Hart
  • photographie
    David De Volpi
  • son
    Hans Oomes
  • ré-enregistrement
    George Croll

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