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Every Dog's Guide to the Playground

1991 10 min
Dernière chance

In this animated film our hero, Wally the Safety Dog, continues to suffer a host of injuries as he instructs his master in the rules of playground safety. This is the second film in which Wally provides a proper example to young adults, parents, and caregivers in the area of child safety.

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Every Dog's Guide to the Playground


In this animated film our hero, Wally the Safety Dog, continues to suffer a host of injuries as he instructs his master in the rules of playground safety. This is the second film in which Wally provides a proper example to young adults, parents, and caregivers in the area of child safety.

  • réalisateur
    Les Drew
  • scénario
    Les Drew
  • animation
    Les Drew
  • producteur
    William Pettigrew
  • producteur exécutif
    Douglas MacDonald
    Barrie McLean
  • caméra d'animation
    Pierre Provost
    Lynda Pelley
    Jacques Avoine
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
    Shelley Craig
  • voix
    Luba Goy
    Paul Brown
    Harvey Atkin
  • musique
    Patrick Godfrey
    Pierr Provost

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