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Stories from Our Land 1.5: Family Making Sleds

2011 5 min
Dernière chance

This short film portrays a family working together to make sleds. While the father expertly threads rope through runners and slats, expertly tying knots to hold them together, his wife and child work on their own stylized sleds. The film pays homage to the craft, while also capturing the sheer joy of downhill sled racing. Stories from Our Land: 1.5 gave 6 Nunavut filmmakers the opportunity to each create a 5-minute short. Each film had to be made without the use of interviews or narration while telling a northern story from a northern perspective. The project was a collaboration between …

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Stories from Our Land 1.5: Family Making Sleds


This short film portrays a family working together to make sleds. While the father expertly threads rope through runners and slats, expertly tying knots to hold them together, his wife and child work on their own stylized sleds. The film pays homage to the craft, while also capturing the sheer joy of downhill sled racing.

Stories from Our Land: 1.5 gave 6 Nunavut filmmakers the opportunity to each create a 5-minute short. Each film had to be made without the use of interviews or narration while telling a northern story from a northern perspective. The project was a collaboration between the NFB and the Nunavut Film Development Corporation.

  • écriture
    Rosie Bonnie Ammaaq
  • réalisateur
    Rosie Bonnie Ammaaq
  • monteur
    Scott Parker
  • prise de vues
    Rosie Bonnie Ammaaq
    Scott Parker
  • conseiller à la réalisation
    Scott Parker
  • participant
    Justin Panimera
    Marija Ammaaq
    Keith Ammaaq
    Lucas-Jo Ammaaq
    Rosie Bonnie Ammaaq
  • coordonnateur de production
    Ginette D'Silva
    Faye Yoneda
  • superviseur de production
    Mark Power
  • agent, marketing
    Leslie Stafford
  • administrateur de programme
    Darin Clausen
  • producteur
    David Christensen
  • producteur exécutif
    David Christensen

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Âge 9 à 17 ans
Sujets scolaires
Échanger sur les multiples utilisations du traîneau dans l’Arctique. À quoi servent les qamutiks  (traîneaux à chiens en inuktitut)? Regroupez les élèves en petites équipes qui effectueront des recherches sur les technologies innovatrices mises au point par les Inuits pour vivre dans l’Arctique. Ces technologies n’ont-elles pas été surpassées – entièrement ou en partie – par des produits de conception nouvelle ou des matériaux plus récents?
Stories from Our Land 1.5: Family Making Sleds
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