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The Feeling of Rejection

1947 20 min
Dernière chance

The case history of Margaret, a 23-year-old girl who has physical disorders with no physical causes. A psychiatrist shows her the root of her troubles--childhood overprotection and discouragement of her efforts to express herself, resulting in a crippling fear of failure and a complete inability to assert herself. When Margaret understands her problem, she develops new and healthier habits of behaviour.

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The Feeling of Rejection


The case history of Margaret, a 23-year-old girl who has physical disorders with no physical causes. A psychiatrist shows her the root of her troubles--childhood overprotection and discouragement of her efforts to express herself, resulting in a crippling fear of failure and a complete inability to assert herself. When Margaret understands her problem, she develops new and healthier habits of behaviour.

  • réalisateur
    Robert Anderson
  • producteur
    Robert Anderson
    Evelyn Cherry
  • scénario
    Bruce Ruddick
  • photographie
    Denis Gillson
  • son
    Joseph Champagne
  • montage
    Victor Jobin
  • musique
    Robert Fleming
  • interprète
    Wanda Allen
    J.D. Macbeth
    Helen Smith
    Robin Taylor

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