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Fields of Endless Day

1978 58 min
Dernière chance

In a series of dramatic and documentary episodes, Fields of Endless Day outlines the presence of Black people in Canada, from the 17th century to the wartime participation and activist groups of the first half of the 20th century. The film seeks to uncover the "roots" of Canada's Black population, tracing the history of their struggles and triumphs over a period of almost three hundred and seventy-five years.

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Fields of Endless Day


In a series of dramatic and documentary episodes, Fields of Endless Day outlines the presence of Black people in Canada, from the 17th century to the wartime participation and activist groups of the first half of the 20th century. The film seeks to uncover the "roots" of Canada's Black population, tracing the history of their struggles and triumphs over a period of almost three hundred and seventy-five years.

  • réalisateur
    Terence Macartney-Filgate
  • producteur
    Beryl Fox
    Nick Ketchum
    Terence Macartney-Filgate
    Jennifer Hodge
  • producteur exécutif
    Don Hopkins
  • producteur associé
    Sylvia Searles
    Jennifer Hodge
  • commentaire
    William Whitehead
  • narrateur
    William Whitehead
  • écriture
    Frederick Ward
  • photographie
    Dennis Mills
    Ron Watts
  • son
    Bryan Day
    Ted Haley
    Michel Hazel
  • montage
    Don Haig
  • ré-enregistrement
    Austin Grimaldi
  • musique
    Oscar Peterson
    Rick Wilkins
  • interprète
    Lili Clark
    Winston Sutton
    Ricardo Keens-Douglas
    Mireille Métellus
    Jodi Drake
    Luther Hansraj
    Tracy Connell

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