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First Stories - O Mother, Where Art Thou?

2007 5 min
Dernière chance

O Mother, Where Art Thou? finds Paul John Swiderski taking stock of his adoptive family and all that they've provided for him: security and well-being. The people who've raised him are his family and that seems like enough, but when a cousin asks about his birth mother, Paul begins to wonder about his other family.

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First Stories - O Mother, Where Art Thou?


O Mother, Where Art Thou? finds Paul John Swiderski taking stock of his adoptive family and all that they've provided for him: security and well-being. The people who've raised him are his family and that seems like enough, but when a cousin asks about his birth mother, Paul begins to wonder about his other family.

  • écriture
    Paul John Swiderski
  • réalisateur
    Paul John Swiderski
  • directeur de la photographie
    George Hupka
  • None
    Chris Bailey
    Brian Stockton
    Cary Ciesielski
    Don White
    Ervin Chartrand
    Gail Maurice
    Jackie Dzuba
    Lorne Olson
    Merelda Fiddler
    Shannon Letandre
    Tasha Hubbard
    Thomas Hale
    Richard Gustin
  • musique originale
    Todd Bryanton
  • preneur de son
    Lanny Westgard
  • chargé de programmes
    Rhonda Slugoski
    Stephanie Scott
  • aîné
    Roy Crazyhorse Bison
  • agent, marketing
    Leslie Stafford
  • superviseur de production
    Scott Collins
  • administrateur de programme
    Cyndi Forcand
  • coordonnateur de production
    Monique Perron
    Rolande Petit
  • monteur en ligne
    Trevor Bennett
  • producteur associé
    Stephanie Scott
  • producteur
    Joe MacDonald
  • producteur exécutif
    Derek Mazur