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First Stories - Walking Alone

2007 6 min
Dernière chance

This short film is an edgy, searing portrait of an ex-gang member trying to make peace with his past. Rapper Shawn Bernard raps about the various struggles in his life, the choices he's made and their consequences, while poignantly recounting the loss of his sister. First Stories is an emerging filmmaker program for Indigenous youth which produced 3 separate collections of short films from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Produced in association with CBC, APTN, SCN, SaskFilm and MANITOBA FILM & SOUND. e an impressive debut - one wrought with emotion and hope.

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First Stories - Walking Alone


This short film is an edgy, searing portrait of an ex-gang member trying to make peace with his past. Rapper Shawn Bernard raps about the various struggles in his life, the choices he's made and their consequences, while poignantly recounting the loss of his sister. First Stories is an emerging filmmaker program for Indigenous youth which produced 3 separate collections of short films from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Produced in association with CBC, APTN, SCN, SaskFilm and MANITOBA FILM & SOUND.
e an impressive debut - one wrought with emotion and hope.

  • écriture
    Gerald Auger
  • réalisateur
    Gerald Auger
  • prise de vues
    Kelly Wolfert
    Brett Manyluk
  • preneur de son
    Stan Jackson
    Gerry Clarke
  • None
    Shawn Ratke
    Scott Parker
    Wolf Willow Sound
    Murray Jurak
    Tasha Hubbard
    Annie Fraziér Henry
    Carol Geddes
    Joe Novak
    David Christensen
    Alex Free
    Stan Jackson
    Peter Strutt
    Gail Yakemchuk
    Don White
    Gordon Imlach
    Kelly Isaac
    William Belcourt
    Ervin Chartrand
    Bonnie Thompson
    Graydon McCrea
    Melody Jacobson
    Helen Calahasen
    David Cunningham
    Doug Cuthand
    Raymond Yakeleya
    Loretta Todd
    Wes Doyle
    Garrell Clark
    Carl Karp
    Ian Reid
  • correction des couleurs
    Studio Post
  • transcription
    William Belcourt
  • photographe - studio
    William Belcourt
  • assistant de production
    Michael Olson
  • musique originale
    Shawn Bernard
  • agent, marketing
    Kelly Isaac
  • superviseur de production
    Mark Power
  • administrateur de studio
    Darin Clausen
  • coordonnateur de production
    Faye Yoneda
    Ginette D'Silva
  • producteur associé
    William Belcourt
  • producteur
    Bonnie Thompson
  • producteur exécutif
    Derek Mazur

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First Stories - Walking Alone
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