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Footprints in the Delta

The Peace-Athabasca River Delta is a stunning habitat. Rivers converge in a rich, marshy wetland before draining into the Slave River. But the Delta is in trouble. Since the building of the WAC Bennett Dam in 1967, annual floodwaters--once the ecosystem's lifeblood--have become a thing of the past. The Delta is drying up, and lakes and wetlands are being replaced by brush. Species like the muskrat are disappearing. Footprints in the Delta explores the changes that have buffeted the region for several decades. Scientists, activists and Indigenous Peoples describe how lives have been fundamentally altered by the changes. And satellite …

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The Peace-Athabasca River Delta is a stunning habitat. Rivers converge in a rich, marshy wetland before draining into the Slave River. But the Delta is in trouble. Since the building of the WAC Bennett Dam in 1967, annual floodwaters--once the ecosystem's lifeblood--have become a thing of the past. The Delta is drying up, and lakes and wetlands are being replaced by brush. Species like the muskrat are disappearing. Footprints in the Delta explores the changes that have buffeted the region for several decades. Scientists, activists and Indigenous Peoples describe how lives have been fundamentally altered by the changes. And satellite images show the dramatic pace of degradation. Footprints in the Delta is essential viewing for anyone who cares about wetlands. It is a revealing account of the rapid change and environmental havoc humans can bring to a delicate ecosystem.

  • participant
    Willie Couterielle
    Sonny Flett
    David Schindler
    Fred Marcel
    Jeff Green
    Terry Prowse
    Alan McLeod
    Lea Bill
    Doug Stewart
    Archie Waquan
    Archie Cyprien
    Fred "Jumbo" Fraser
  • réalisateur
    Peter Campbell
  • directeur de la post-production
    Katherine Rankin
  • None
    Dorothy Schreiber
    Wes Doyle
    Daron Donahue
    Aubrey Lang
    Wayne Lynch
    Dennis Jaques
    Stephen Nichols
  • narration - écriture
    Helen Brisbin
  • narrateur
    Susan Cardinal
  • monteur
    Marke Slipp
  • prise de vues
    Doug Cole
  • assistance à la caméra
    Dale Jahraus
  • prise de son
    Garrell Clark
    Clancy Livingston
    Don Paches
    Christopher Tate
  • assistant monteur
    Susan Crandall
    Paul Fafard
    William Sorochan
    Brenda Terning
    Rollie Wight
    Gerald K. Wilson
  • consultant
    Terry Prowse
    David Schindler
  • recherche plans d'archives
    Kelly Thomas
  • recherche de documents d'archives
    Elan Ross Gibson
  • graphisme d'animation
    Mike Tomiuk
  • musique originale
    Mo Marshall
  • monteur en ligne
    Kevin House
  • correction des couleurs
    Joe Owens
  • montage son
    Downy Karvonen
  • assistant monteur sonore
    Shreela Chakrabartty
  • mixage son
    Paul Sharpe
    Miguel Nunes
  • superviseur de production
    Kelly Isaac
  • administrateur de programme
    Margaret Smith
  • producteur exécutif
    Graydon McCrea
  • producteur
    Katherine Rankin
    Jerry Krepakevich
Footprints in the Delta
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