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Forgiveness: Stories for Our Time

2007 53 min
Dernière chance

This feature-length documentary focuses on four individuals who have lived through painful and horrific events but have managed to find the ability to forgive. Lesley Parrott, Anne Marie Hagan, Alan McBride, and Reverend Julie Nicholson have all lost family members through violent crimes and are trying to absorb, cope with, and move past it. In a world wracked by increasing violence and horror, the film brings hope that there are other possibilities beyond blind revenge; that in forgiving others we can set ourselves free.

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Forgiveness: Stories for Our Time


This feature-length documentary focuses on four individuals who have lived through painful and horrific events but have managed to find the ability to forgive. Lesley Parrott, Anne Marie Hagan, Alan McBride, and Reverend Julie Nicholson have all lost family members through violent crimes and are trying to absorb, cope with, and move past it. In a world wracked by increasing violence and horror, the film brings hope that there are other possibilities beyond blind revenge; that in forgiving others we can set ourselves free.

  • écriture
    Johanna Lunn
  • réalisateur
    Johanna Lunn
  • producteur
    Johanna Lunn
    Kent Martin
  • prise de vues
    John Walker
  • preneur de son
    Alex Salter
    Harvey Hyslop
  • None
    Michael Greenwood
    Power Post
    Chris MacIntosh
    Brian Power
    Bob Melanson
    Christine Hirschfeld
    Marilyn Hicks
  • conseiller à la création
    John Walker
  • participant
    Anne Marie Hagan
    Alan McBride
    Julie Nicholson
    Lesley Parrott
  • narrateur
    Liz Richardson
  • coordonnateur de production
    Donna Gabriel
  • assistance à la caméra
    Robin L.P. Bain
    Anna Carrington
    Mark O'Neill
  • assistant de production
    Shayla Howell
    Clare Richards
    Phil Simms
  • coordonnateur postproduction
    Christopher Fost
  • monteur en ligne
    Doug Woods
  • coloration
    Doug Woods
  • mixeur du repiquage
    Allan Scarth
  • conseiller à la production
    Howard Hutton
  • producteur exécutif
    Johanna Lunn

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