This fast-paced documentary follows Canadian freelance reporter Jesse Rosenfeld’s journey across the Middle East. Having made the region the focus of his work, he shows us the thorny geopolitical realities on the ground and explores how journalism practices have changed in the age of the Internet. From Egypt to Turkey and Iraq by way of Israel and Palestine, filmmaker Santiago Bertolino captures the ups and downs of a new kind of journalism in action.
This fast-paced documentary follows Canadian freelance reporter Jesse Rosenfeld’s journey across the Middle East. Having made the region the focus of his work, he shows us the thorny geopolitical realities on the ground and explores how journalism practices have changed in the age of the Internet. From Egypt to Turkey and Iraq by way of Israel and Palestine, filmmaker Santiago Bertolino captures the ups and downs of a new kind of journalism in action.
Comparez la situation des journalistes pigistes à celle des journalistes des grands médias d’information. Où Jesse Rosenfeld trouve-t-il la motivation d’exercer sa profession quand le journalisme est un domaine qui se réduit comme peau de chagrin? Quel commentaire exprime ce documentaire sur l’hégémonie occidentale dans les zones de conflit international? À la fin du documentaire, quelle observation Rosenfeld fait-il sur ce qu’il perçoit comme la noble cause du journalisme à laquelle il se voue — Quel impact le récit a-t-il sur la façon dont le monde réagit à la tragédie humaine?