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Gold Rush Land

1955 30 min
Dernière chance

An excursion up the Yukon River along the trail of '98 to Dawson City, part of the Klondike gold rush. We visit a prospector who has never left the Yukon and see some of the city's famous sights.

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Gold Rush Land
  • On the Spot
    On the Spot
    1950 20 films
    The first NFB series made specifically for television, On the Spot consisted of 15-minute documentary reports (which later ran 30 minutes) on different aspects of life in Canada.


An excursion up the Yukon River along the trail of '98 to Dawson City, part of the Klondike gold rush. We visit a prospector who has never left the Yukon and see some of the city's famous sights.

  • réalisateur
    Allen Stark
  • photographie
    Donald Wilder
  • narration
    Fred Davis
  • montage
    Marion Meadows
  • invité
    William Hammond
    Robert Graham
    Christopher Turner
  • None
    Stan Helleur
    Robert Anderson
  • superviseur du montage
    David Mayerovitch
  • producteur exécutif
    Robert Anderson