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Gore Road

1972 8 min
Dernière chance

This short documentary is a contemplative road-trip down an old Québec country road in the southwest corner of the province. Family pictures, snapshots, live photography, the homespun philosophy of old folks, some glimpses of the new generation - the impressions are many, varied and gathered at random to build this evocative portrait. Mostly monochrome, with a touch of colour here and there for contrast.

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Gore Road


This short documentary is a contemplative road-trip down an old Québec country road in the southwest corner of the province. Family pictures, snapshots, live photography, the homespun philosophy of old folks, some glimpses of the new generation - the impressions are many, varied and gathered at random to build this evocative portrait. Mostly monochrome, with a touch of colour here and there for contrast.

  • réalisateur
    Sarah Evett
  • producteur
    Robert Verrall
  • photographie
    Nash Read
    Sarah Evett
  • son
    Michel Hazel
    Roger Lamoureux
  • montage
    Rick Raxlen
  • montage sonore
    Rick Raxlen
  • ré-enregistrement
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
  • musique
    Gary Kober
    Faiza Fraser
    Donna Louthood
    Clarence French
    David Lakoff
Gore Road
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