This short documentary from The Grasslands Project brings a female perspective to the male-dominated ranching and farming industries. Women often have a strong voice in the operations, and some women have been running their own ranches for decades. For this collaborative documentary, the participants themselves chose the themes to be discussed and then interviewed each other. These women are deeply dedicated to their farms, ranches and families. They can ranch as well as a man... maybe even better.
This short documentary from The Grasslands Project brings a female perspective to the male-dominated ranching and farming industries. Women often have a strong voice in the operations, and some women have been running their own ranches for decades. For this collaborative documentary, the participants themselves chose the themes to be discussed and then interviewed each other. These women are deeply dedicated to their farms, ranches and families. They can ranch as well as a man... maybe even better.
Ce court métrage de la série documentaire Au beau milieu de la plaine présente quatre femmes de différents horizons. Certaines dirigent leur propre ranch, d’autres jouent un rôle central dans l’exploitation de la ferme familiale. Les participantes ont collaboré avec le réalisateur de ce documentaire; elles ont choisi les thèmes abordés et se sont interviewées entre elles. À quelles pressions psychologiques et sociales ces femmes sont-elles confrontées? Quelle est leur façon d’y faire face et de les surmonter? Décrivez leurs façons d’aborder l’éthique de travail, l’adversité et le stress.