This short documentary from The Grasslands Project introduces us to Aline Laturnus, the women who puts in long hours to keep the Val Marie hotel running. Breakfast is at seven a.m., and some nights the bar doesn’t close until two. This hotel is more than just a business: it’s the hub of the community, and Aline knows that closing the establishment would deal this small town a major blow. We follow Aline as she prepares for a big night, and we learn about the importance of the hotel from the people of Val Marie.
This short documentary from The Grasslands Project introduces us to Aline Laturnus, the women who puts in long hours to keep the Val Marie hotel running. Breakfast is at seven a.m., and some nights the bar doesn’t close until two. This hotel is more than just a business: it’s the hub of the community, and Aline knows that closing the establishment would deal this small town a major blow. We follow Aline as she prepares for a big night, and we learn about the importance of the hotel from the people of Val Marie.
Ce court métrage de la série documentaire Au beau milieu de la plaine met en vedette la propriétaire de l’hôtel Val Marie, Aline Laturnus, dont le dévouement et le sacrifice personnel assurent la survie du lieu de rassemblement de la communauté. Un regard révélateur sur les pressions que doivent subir les propriétaires d’une entreprise dans une petite agglomération. À quelles exigences Mme Laturnus doit-elle faire face pour maintenir l’hôtel ouvert? Quelles tâches la voyons-nous exécuter, dans le film? Quels sont les traits de sa personnalité qui ressortent de son dévouement à son entreprise?