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House Calls

2004 55 min
Dernière chance

This award-winning documentary presents Mark Nowaczynski, a physician who photographs the lives of many of his elderly patients. "Who in the world would want to see a bunch of pictures of me? Junk," says Connie, 93. Yet "Dr. Mark" has been photographing her and other patients to raise awareness about the lack of home care in this growing segment of the population. His black-and-white pictures reflect faces that convey fragility and vulnerability but also quiet strength as these seniors struggle to live with dignity.

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House Calls


This award-winning documentary presents Mark Nowaczynski, a physician who photographs the lives of many of his elderly patients. "Who in the world would want to see a bunch of pictures of me? Junk," says Connie, 93. Yet "Dr. Mark" has been photographing her and other patients to raise awareness about the lack of home care in this growing segment of the population. His black-and-white pictures reflect faces that convey fragility and vulnerability but also quiet strength as these seniors struggle to live with dignity.

  • réalisateur
    Ian McLeod
  • écriture
    Ian McLeod
  • producteur
    Gerry Flahive
  • directeur de la photographie
    Michael Grippo
  • monteur
    Denis Takacs
  • preneur de son
    Steve McNamee
  • None
    Eric Robertson
    Claude Desjardins
    David Drainie Taylor
    Chris Warren Textworks
    Highscribe/Vespi Inc.
    Shannon Craig
    Kevin Kelly
    Anousheh Showleh
    Lea Marin-Jara
    Joanne Forrest
    Sue Mander
  • caméra additionnelle
    Mark Ellam
  • prise de son additionnelle
    Hartley Wynberg
    Bob Salter
  • assistant monteur
    Angela Fong
    Brian Katugampola
    Anthony Miceli
    Dan Thornhill
  • recherche
    Joanne Fishburn
  • décharge des droits pour les séquences de films
    Elizabeth Klinck
  • libération des droits musicaux
    Elizabeth Klinck
  • conception sonore
    Steve Munro
  • ré-enregistrement
    Trackworks Inc.
  • monteur en ligne
    Dan Johnston
  • coloration
    Dan Johnston
  • agent de budget
    Julietta McGovern
    Ida Di Fruscia
  • coordonnateur technique
    Mark Wilson
  • superviseur de production
    Kemp Archibald
  • production déléguée
    Douglas MacFarlane
  • producteur exécutif
    Silva Basmajian
    Sylvia Sweeney

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