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How Things Have Changed

1971 9 min
Dernière chance

From the ranchlands of Alberta, a picture of the cattle drive as it is today, when big cattle-liners truck the livestock to receiving stations on the summer range. But archival photographs tell how it was in the old days when the cowboy was king, driving his herd by easy stages to distant, greener pastures. Big sky, undulating hills and distant mountains still hold the spell and romance of the West that old-timers remember.

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How Things Have Changed


From the ranchlands of Alberta, a picture of the cattle drive as it is today, when big cattle-liners truck the livestock to receiving stations on the summer range. But archival photographs tell how it was in the old days when the cowboy was king, driving his herd by easy stages to distant, greener pastures. Big sky, undulating hills and distant mountains still hold the spell and romance of the West that old-timers remember.

  • réalisateur
    Jerry Krepakevich
  • écriture
    Jerry Krepakevich
  • montage
    Jerry Krepakevich
  • producteur
    William Brind
  • caméra
    David De Volpi
  • son
    Michel Descombes
  • montage sonore
    Les Halman
    Donald Douglas
  • ré-enregistrement
    Roger Lamoureux
    Michel Descombes
  • animation
    Pierre L'Amare
    Raymond Dumas
  • musique
    Richard Kardonne
    Margo McKinnon

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