This feature documentary by renowned director and cinematographer Vic Sarin is a personal yet global investigation into the history and current state of colourism: the discrimination within one ethnicity based on differences in skin tone. Sarin travels the globe to discuss this complex cross-cultural social issue with individuals whose lives it affects, including a Filipina entrepreneur whose business has flourished within the billion-dollar skin-whitening industry. Hue leads viewers on a thoughtful and surprising journey to the heart of a painful and pervasive social issue that not only polices appearance, but also class, gender, and geography.
This feature documentary by renowned director and cinematographer Vic Sarin is a personal yet global investigation into the history and current state of colourism: the discrimination within one ethnicity based on differences in skin tone. Sarin travels the globe to discuss this complex cross-cultural social issue with individuals whose lives it affects, including a Filipina entrepreneur whose business has flourished within the billion-dollar skin-whitening industry. Hue leads viewers on a thoughtful and surprising journey to the heart of a painful and pervasive social issue that not only polices appearance, but also class, gender, and geography.
Convient parfaitement aux dissertations et aux débats sur le racisme et sur la diversité.
Quelles réponses le cinéaste cherche-t-il au cours de ses voyages? Déterminez les privilèges et la discrimination associés aux différentes couleurs de peau. Organisez en classe un débat sur le thème de la chirurgie esthétique. Jusqu’où peut-on aller? Qu’est-ce qui pousse une personne à vouloir transformer son apparence? Dans quelle mesure les médias influencent-ils la perception de soi? Créez des images qui mettent en avant la beauté dans toute sa diversité.