This short animation takes a look at the redemptive power of food, wine, music and love through the eyes of our protagonist, Chuck. A husband and father, Chuck is jovially cooking dinner and listening to Chopin when his wife Sylvie spontaneously invites a group of boisterous colleagues over for dinner. The festivities begin to spiral out of control, and Chuck must find his way through a planned diner à deux that has turned into pandemonium. Filmmaker Bruce Alcock follows the fine tradition of beloved food films such as Babette’s Feast, using the preparation of a meal as a vehicle for …
This short animation takes a look at the redemptive power of food, wine, music and love through the eyes of our protagonist, Chuck. A husband and father, Chuck is jovially cooking dinner and listening to Chopin when his wife Sylvie spontaneously invites a group of boisterous colleagues over for dinner. The festivities begin to spiral out of control, and Chuck must find his way through a planned diner à deux that has turned into pandemonium. Filmmaker Bruce Alcock follows the fine tradition of beloved food films such as Babette’s Feast, using the preparation of a meal as a vehicle for exploring the grand themes of love and life through simple yet evocative line drawings.
Ce court métrage d’animation convient parfaitement aux cours de psychologie portant sur la personnalité, le tempérament, le conflit et les attentes liées aux relations entre adultes.
Où situez-vous les principaux protagonistes sur l’échelle de l’introversion-extraversion? Pourquoi? Expliquez en quoi le trait, la couleur, le son et la musique contribuent à façonner la personnalité des protagonistes. Qu’ajoutent les dialogues et les prestations des comédiens? Le conflit sous-jacent du couple se trouve-t-il résolu? Pourquoi? Quelles conclusions tirez-vous quant à la nature de sa relation? Jusqu’à quel point ces conclusions peuvent-elles se révéler justes?