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The Invention of the Adolescent

1967 28 min
Dernière chance

This short documentary studies the fate reserved to young people through the ages. Drawing from paintings, archival footage and various other documents, the film demonstrates that during the 16th and 17th century, young people lived happily alongside their elders. This equilibrium was broken in the 19th century, when the defense of the young and the protection afforded by reformers and educators created the generation gap evident in Western society today. Will dialogue between society’s young and less young ever resume

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The Invention of the Adolescent


This short documentary studies the fate reserved to young people through the ages. Drawing from paintings, archival footage and various other documents, the film demonstrates that during the 16th and 17th century, young people lived happily alongside their elders. This equilibrium was broken in the 19th century, when the defense of the young and the protection afforded by reformers and educators created the generation gap evident in Western society today. Will dialogue between society’s young and less young ever resume

  • réalisateur
    Patricia Watson
  • scénario
    Patricia Watson
  • producteur
    Guy Glover
    Cecily Burwash
  • photographie
    Jean-Claude Labrecque
    Paul Leach
  • caméra d'animation
    Raymond Dumas
  • son
    Jacques Drouin
  • montage
    Arthur Lipsett
  • animation
    Arthur Lipsett
  • montage sonore
    Pierre Bernier
    Donald Douglas
  • ré-enregistrement
    Ron Alexander
    Roger Lamoureux
  • narrateur
    Sidney Lamb

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The Invention of the Adolescent
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