This short animation features Fifi the dog, who fantasizes about interstellar travel as an escape from his day-to-day existence as the family scapegoat. While doing whatever it takes to please Mom, Dad and the kids, Fifi tries to make off with some newspaper articles about the latest scientific developments in space travel. Fifi would like nothing better than to be left alone in his basket, his nose buried in a feature story on space travel, but the lively family around him blames him for their own bad behaviour. This animated short is the tale of a dog’s life on a …
This short animation features Fifi the dog, who fantasizes about interstellar travel as an escape from his day-to-day existence as the family scapegoat. While doing whatever it takes to please Mom, Dad and the kids, Fifi tries to make off with some newspaper articles about the latest scientific developments in space travel. Fifi would like nothing better than to be left alone in his basket, his nose buried in a feature story on space travel, but the lively family around him blames him for their own bad behaviour. This animated short is the tale of a dog’s life on a human scale—what results is an urban fable about learning to live together.
Découvrez le quotidien d'une famille à partir du point de vue de sa mascotte, un chien qui raffole d'articles scientifiques et qui tente en vain de lire le journal du jour. Il est constamment dérangé par les membres de la famille qui, sans le vouloir, l'embêtent. Invitez vos élèves à explorer les dynamiques familiales ou de groupe en trouvant les besoins et les désirs de chacun des membres. Cette famille communique-t-elle de manière efficace?