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Land of the Long Day

1952 37 min
Dernière chance

During the short Arctic summer on Baffin Island, the native Inuit enjoys four months of continuous daylight. But it is no time for relaxation, for provision must be made for the long, cold winter night ahead. In this film Idlouk, an Inuit hunter, tells of his life in this northern land. We watch as he stalks the seal so vital to his existence, and as he and other hunters set out in kayaks to harpoon the white whale and the narwhal. At camp we meet his wife, children and aged parents, each of whom has work to do in the …

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Land of the Long Day


During the short Arctic summer on Baffin Island, the native Inuit enjoys four months of continuous daylight. But it is no time for relaxation, for provision must be made for the long, cold winter night ahead. In this film Idlouk, an Inuit hunter, tells of his life in this northern land. We watch as he stalks the seal so vital to his existence, and as he and other hunters set out in kayaks to harpoon the white whale and the narwhal. At camp we meet his wife, children and aged parents, each of whom has work to do in the unceasing struggle for survival in this harsh land.

Please note that this is an archival film that makes use of the word “Eskimo,” an outdated and offensive term. While the origin of the word is a matter of some contention, it is no longer used in Canada. The term was formally rejected by the Inuit Circumpolar Council in 1980 and has subsequently not been in use at the NFB for decades. This film is therefore a time-capsule of a bygone era, presented in its original version. The NFB apologizes for the offence caused.

  • réalisateur
    Douglas Wilkinson
  • scénario
    Douglas Wilkinson
  • producteur
    Michael Spencer
  • photographie
    Jean Roy
  • son
    Clarke Daprato
  • montage
    Victor Jobin
  • montage sonore
    Kenneth Heeley-Ray
  • narrateur
    John Drainie
  • musique
    Louis Applebaum


Âge 9 à 17 ans
Sujets scolaires
Quelle poésie retrouve-ton dans le mode de vie des Inuits? Pourquoi le soleil disparaît-il de novembre à février? (Liens intéressants à faire entre culture, science et géographie.) Quel est le mode de vie de ces peuples du Nord? Pourquoi peut-on dire que chaque membre de la société inuite joue un rôle crucial dans la survie du groupe? Relevez des exemples dans le film.
Land of the Long Day
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