An approach-to-film discussion showing some of the problems encountered and how they may be overcome. A group of leaders tries to recognize the factors leading to successful film discussion by observing an audience actively discussing a familiar film. In retrospect one of the group recalls being unable to arouse any response whatever with the same film. Why did one effort fail and the other succeed? These questions are closely examined by the group leaders in a workshop meeting; the centring of discussion in the group rather than in the leader is seen to be an effective technique.
An approach-to-film discussion showing some of the problems encountered and how they may be overcome. A group of leaders tries to recognize the factors leading to successful film discussion by observing an audience actively discussing a familiar film. In retrospect one of the group recalls being unable to arouse any response whatever with the same film. Why did one effort fail and the other succeed? These questions are closely examined by the group leaders in a workshop meeting; the centring of discussion in the group rather than in the leader is seen to be an effective technique.
Avertissements : Aucun (faible violence)
Ce court documentaire traite de l’importance du rôle d’animateur ou d’animatrice pour faciliter des discussions et créer une ambiance conviviale dans laquelle les personnes participantes se sentent à l’aise d’exprimer leurs idées ouvertement sur divers sujets. L’animateur présenté à l’écran souligne qu’il est important de préparer les gens avant la projection d’un film en posant des questions clés pour les inciter à réfléchir tout au long du visionnage. En classe, vos élèves peuvent se pencher sur les moyens utilisés de nos jours pour stimuler la conversation sur un sujet, un film ou un évènement. Ils peuvent aussi débattre des avantages et des inconvénients de ces moyens pour la tenue de discussions constructives.