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Lewis Mumford on the City, Part 3: The City and Its Region

1963 27 min
Dernière chance

This short documentary is part of a series hosted by American historian, sociologist, philosopher of technology, and literary critic Lewis Mumford, who was particularly noted for his study of cities and urban architecture. This episode explores the tension and mutual dependence of urban and rural areas. History shows that cities thrive best when they live in harmony and balance with the countryside. How can this balance be maintained or restored in sprawling metropolitan regions? The film is a revealing portrait of the discourses of urbanization that were circulating in the middle of the 20th century, including the development of what …

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Lewis Mumford on the City, Part 3: The City and Its Region


This short documentary is part of a series hosted by American historian, sociologist, philosopher of technology, and literary critic Lewis Mumford, who was particularly noted for his study of cities and urban architecture. This episode explores the tension and mutual dependence of urban and rural areas. History shows that cities thrive best when they live in harmony and balance with the countryside. How can this balance be maintained or restored in sprawling metropolitan regions? The film is a revealing portrait of the discourses of urbanization that were circulating in the middle of the 20th century, including the development of what we know today as the suburbs.

  • réalisateur
    Christopher Chapman
    George Fenyon
    Mogens Gander
    Jacques Giraldeau
    Derek Knight
    Claus Loof
    Ian MacNeill
    Reginald Morris
    Erik Nielsen
  • caméra
    Christopher Chapman
    George Fenyon
    Mogens Gander
    Jacques Giraldeau
    Derek Knight
    Claus Loof
    Ian MacNeill
    Reginald Morris
    Erik Nielsen
  • producteur
    Ian MacNeill
  • scénario
    Ian MacNeill
  • producteur exécutif
    Guy Glover
  • son
    Joseph Champagne
    George Croll
    Ted Haley
  • montage
    Dennis Sawyer
  • montage sonore
    Kathleen Shannon
  • narrateur
    Budd Knapp
  • musique
    Robert Fleming
  • présentateur
    Lewis Mumford

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Lewis Mumford on the City, Part 3: The City and Its Region
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