This documentary follows six young Canadians, including refugees from the Middle East and Africa, who come to Fort McMurray, the capital of the third-largest oil reserve in the world. “Fort Mac,” as it’s known, becomes a testing ground for these young dreamers as they struggle with their own perceptions of money, glory and self-worth amid plummeting oil prices, an unpredictable economy and, most recently, awe-inspiring wildfires.
This documentary follows six young Canadians, including refugees from the Middle East and Africa, who come to Fort McMurray, the capital of the third-largest oil reserve in the world. “Fort Mac,” as it’s known, becomes a testing ground for these young dreamers as they struggle with their own perceptions of money, glory and self-worth amid plummeting oil prices, an unpredictable economy and, most recently, awe-inspiring wildfires.
Jeune barbier, Max mentionne que « les gens heureux sont plutôt rares à Fort McMurray ». Qu’est-ce qui contribue aux frustrations de ces travailleurs migrants? Comment le népotisme permet-il à certaines personnes de participer à l’immense richesse de « Fort McMoney » tout en en excluant d’autres? Faites une recherche sur les problèmes sociaux qu’a entraînés l’afflux de personnes en grande partie migrantes (p. ex., toxicomanie, prostitution, itinérance, etc.). Quels problèmes ce documentaire soulève-t-il en matière de racisme ou de xénophobie dans la principale industrie de Fort McMurray?