This animated short tells the story of Maq, a Mi'kmaq boy who realizes his potential with the help of inconspicuous mentors. When an elder in the community offers him a small piece of pipestone, Maq carves a little person out of it. Proud of his work, the boy wants to impress his grandfather and journeys through the woods to find him. Along the path Maq meets a curious traveller named Mi'gmwesu. Together they share stories, medicine, laughter, and song. Maq begins to care less about making a good impression and more about sharing the knowledge and spirit he's found through …
This animated short tells the story of Maq, a Mi'kmaq boy who realizes his potential with the help of inconspicuous mentors. When an elder in the community offers him a small piece of pipestone, Maq carves a little person out of it. Proud of his work, the boy wants to impress his grandfather and journeys through the woods to find him. Along the path Maq meets a curious traveller named Mi'gmwesu. Together they share stories, medicine, laughter, and song. Maq begins to care less about making a good impression and more about sharing the knowledge and spirit he's found through his creation. Part of the Talespinners collection, which uses vibrant animation to bring popular children's stories from a wide range of cultural communities to the screen.
Ce film d’animation peut fournir des pistes pour découvrir les cérémonies et les traditions autochtones. Quelle est la signification de la cérémonie du calumet par rapport à un groupe donné de Premières Nations? Renseignez-vous sur la différence importante entre fumer la pipe lors d’une cérémonie et fumer des cigarettes en tant qu’habitude ou dépendance quotidienne. Pourquoi est-il important de se renseigner sur le mode de vie des Premières Nations auprès de membres des Premières Nations? Pourquoi est-il important de comprendre que chaque Première Nation peut avoir son propre ensemble de légendes et de croyances qui sont considérées comme sacrées? En quoi la tradition orale est-elle une méthode importante de transmission des modes d’existence dans les contextes autochtones?