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Mother of Many Children

1977 57 min
Dernière chance

In her first feature-length documentary, released in 1977, Alanis Obomsawin honours the central place of women and mothers within Indigenous cultures. An album of Indigenous womanhood, the film portrays proud matriarchal cultures that for centuries have been pressured to adopt the standards and customs of the dominant society. Tracing the cycle of Indigenous women’s lives from birth to childhood, puberty, young adulthood, maturity and old age, the film reveals how Indigenous women have fought to regain a sense of equality, instilled cultural pride in their children and passed on their stories and language to new generations.

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Mother of Many Children


In her first feature-length documentary, released in 1977, Alanis Obomsawin honours the central place of women and mothers within Indigenous cultures. An album of Indigenous womanhood, the film portrays proud matriarchal cultures that for centuries have been pressured to adopt the standards and customs of the dominant society. Tracing the cycle of Indigenous women’s lives from birth to childhood, puberty, young adulthood, maturity and old age, the film reveals how Indigenous women have fought to regain a sense of equality, instilled cultural pride in their children and passed on their stories and language to new generations.

  • réalisateur
    Alanis Obomsawin
  • producteur
    Alanis Obomsawin
  • écriture
    Alanis Obomsawin
  • narrateur
    Alanis Obomsawin
  • producteur exécutif
    Don Hopkins
    Douglas MacDonald
  • photographie
    Don Virgo
    Bob Riddell
    Laval Fortier
  • caméra d'animation
    Jacques Avoine
    Simon Leblanc
  • son
    Louis Echaquan
    Raymond Marcoux
    Bob Charlie
    Claude Hazanavicius
    Christopher Tate
    Bev Davidson
    J.G. Normandin
  • montage
    John Laing
  • montage sonore
    Bill Graziadei
  • ré-enregistrement
    Richard Besse
  • participant
    Samson Nahacappo
    Cesar Newashish
    Nancy Snowboy
    Alasie Arnakayak
    Wilma Simon
    Jeannette Vivian Corbiere
    Ed Seymour
    Augusta Marie Gudine

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Mother of Many Children
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