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Moving Pictures

This multi-layered Colin Low documentary offers a visual exploration of his personal collection of war etchings and woodcuts. Collected over 5 decades, these images, including extremely detailed miniatures, were nearly impossible to accurately capture on film. The images so fascinated and haunted Low that he shot them in 35 mm and developed techniques - used here for the first time - to show the fine lines of stamps and the microscopic details of tiny copperplate etchings with startling clarity. In Moving Pictures, Low traces his growing awareness of war, the perversion of art into propaganda, and the technological advances that …

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This multi-layered Colin Low documentary offers a visual exploration of his personal collection of war etchings and woodcuts. Collected over 5 decades, these images, including extremely detailed miniatures, were nearly impossible to accurately capture on film. The images so fascinated and haunted Low that he shot them in 35 mm and developed techniques - used here for the first time - to show the fine lines of stamps and the microscopic details of tiny copperplate etchings with startling clarity.
In Moving Pictures, Low traces his growing awareness of war, the perversion of art into propaganda, and the technological advances that have led to more efficient creation and dissemination of images - as well as more effective weapons of mass destruction.

  • réalisateur
    Colin Low
  • narrateur
    Colin Low
  • écriture
    Colin Low
    Boyce Richardson
  • None
    Mark Zannis
    Gerald Vansier
    Ernest McNabb
    Tony Ianzelo
    Alfonso Maiorana
    Meilan Lam
    Co Hoedeman
    Robert Verrall
    Colin Low
    La Maison du 7e Art inc.
    Christian Medawar
    Claude Cardinal
    Phyllis Lewis
    Claude Chevalier
    André Gagnon
    Neil O'Brien
    Chaz Oliver
    Louise Overy
    Linda Payette
    Jean René Francoeur
    Sylvain Cajelais
    Patrick Viegas
    Christine Williams
    Marie Tonto-Donati
    Andrée Lachapelle
    Nickie Merulla
    Lori Boyer
  • producteur
    Mark Zannis
  • monteur
    Gerald Vansier
  • compositeur de la musique
    Chris Crilly
  • montage sonore
    Chris Crilly
  • conception sonore
    Chris Crilly
  • gérant de production
    Christian Medawar
  • animation
    Meilan Lam
  • droits
    Meilan Lam
  • caméra d'animation
    Pierre Landry
    Thea Pratt
  • éclairages
    Guy Rémillard
    Roger Martin
    Robert Grenier
  • effets
    Guy Rémillard
    Roger Martin
    Robert Grenier
  • recherche (films d'archives)
    Pascale Bilodeau
  • conseiller technique principal
    Claude Cardinal
  • titres
    Gaspard Gaudreau
  • enregistrement de la narration
    Patrick Viegas
  • assistant monteur sonore
    Abe Lee
  • chanteur
    Joanne Fillion
    Teresa Van der Hoeven
  • assistance au bruitage
    Alexandre Pilon
  • enregistrement de la musique
    Geoffrey Mitchell
  • prise de son au bruitage
    Geoffrey Mitchell
  • enregistrement de musique - assistance
    Sylvain Cajelais
    Patrick Viegas
  • mix
    Serge Boivin
  • producteur exécutif
    Sally Bochner
    Don Haig
Moving Pictures
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