As clever and sly as any good commercial, NFB 70 Years is the work of a filmmaker in full control of his medium and his message. With humour and self-deprecation – and not a whiff of complacency – Jean-François Pouliot smartly deconstructs the backward-looking perception often attributed to films from the National Film Board. Even the way the film is made pays homage to the filmmaking techniques that have earned Canada's public film producer and distributor its enviable reputation. This artful and skilfully produced mix of genres effectively borrows from direct cinema and flirts with virtuoso animation techniques. With its …
As clever and sly as any good commercial, NFB 70 Years is the work of a filmmaker in full control of his medium and his message. With humour and self-deprecation – and not a whiff of complacency – Jean-François Pouliot smartly deconstructs the backward-looking perception often attributed to films from the National Film Board. Even the way the film is made pays homage to the filmmaking techniques that have earned Canada's public film producer and distributor its enviable reputation.
This artful and skilfully produced mix of genres effectively borrows from direct cinema and flirts with virtuoso animation techniques. With its funny and clever direction, tight yet ingeniously wild and furious editing, brilliantly juxtaposed sequences with powerful relevance to the present, this film confirms the essential role of the NFB within the social fabric of Canada and the world.
On pourrait
demander aux élèves de réaliser un court métrage qui commémorerait leur vie ou
leur année à l'école en prenant ce film de l’ONF comme point de départ.
Comment la perception collective de l’ONF est-elle présentée? Comment le
réalisateur parvient-il à exposer la véritable identité de cet organisme
public? Quelle est sa fonction? Dans un cours d'éducation à la citoyenneté,
une discussion sur la fonction du cinéma, particulièrement celle d'un cinéma
financé par l'État, pourrait mener à un débat sur la culture et les arts. Que
peut offrir un cinéma d'État qui ne nous serait pas nécessairement offert
autrement? Est-il pertinent de financer les arts à même des fonds publics?